The Wellbeing Studio
Mrs Jamie Izzo is our on site Learning Mentor and she runs our Wellbeing Studio.
The studio is used for one to one or small group sessions that may include but is not restricted to, wellbeing journaling, take a breath breaks, sensory breaks, pastoral care and mentoring and nurture groups.
We work with children using co-regulation strategies in order to support healthy wellbeing in all aspects of emotional, physical and relationship health with our end goal to securing a more holistic, inclusive and needs-led ‘whole child’ approach to education.
We believe at Gaglebrook that family and community contribute greatly to the education of children and so we are available to offer support in this field to parents and careers to be able to mirror strategies within the home.
You can contact Mrs Izzo to discuss your child's needs via email to [email protected]
The Wellbeing Wood
The aim of the Wellbeing Wood is to minimise dysregulation barriers to Children's learning, enabling the child to get back in to a positive frame of mind so they can access their classroom, and curriculum successfully.
Alongside the wellbeing studio, support is given to the children to teach them some co-regulation strategies in order to support healthy wellbeing in all aspects of emotional, physical and relationship health with our end goal to securing a more holistic, inclusive and needs-led 'whole child' approach to education. You can contact Mrs Izzo to discuss your child's needs via email to [email protected]
Sky Room
Along side our other rooms we have a new sensory Sky room. Purposely designed with minimal distractions, soft furnishings and a hide out house for times when peace, quiet and space is needed. Children can access this space with an adult allowing them the time needed out of the hustle and bustle of the classroom.
Learning Mentor role
Mrs Izzo is a mother of 3 secondary school age children. She has trained in children support and education and specialises in supporting children with additional needs and therapeutic mentoring of children and families affected by trauma.
Mrs Izzo works at Gagle brook school 2 days a week providing pastoral care and learning support to pupils to overcome barriers to learning. She meets with individuals for check in sessions and can run small nurture groups.
Mrs Izzo also works with the wider family to signpost to accessible community services for support. Look out for details of future parent coffee mornings and events that are due to begin in January 2022.
Mrs Izzo can be contacted about any worries or concerns that you may have by emailing [email protected]