House Teams

Every child in the school has been allocated a place in one of four houses: Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Siblings are always put in the same house. The House shields were designed by the children following a competition across the school. Each house has a colour and a motto reflecting our school ACHIEVE values.

  Earth Fire  Air Water
House Staff Lead Miss Gibson Miss Gray Mrs Whiskerd Mr Street
House Pupil Lead Eli Zion Grace Seth

As schools, we use House Points to reward pupils for their positive behaviour and attitudes to learning (Behaviour Policy). The use of House Points does not only reward pupils for their individual efforts, but also encourages a sense of team reward, with House Points being added to a communal tally for each House Team. We have three types of House Point, each with different values and a criteria for reward:

  • White House Point (Value of 1 HP) - awarded to pupils who exemplify a value or learning behaviour (this will often link to the use of Recognition Boards, explained below) White HPs can be awarded by all members of staff. These are commonly awarded in classes.
  • Black House Point (Value of 5 HP) - awarded to pupils who have 96%+ attendance in one term; represent the school in a special way; other examples as appropriate.
  • Gold House Point (Value of 10 HP) - this is a very special award and is awarded by the Headteacher for pupils who have deserved recognition for a particularly special achievement. Also awarded to pupils who have 100% attendance in one term. Gold HPs can be awarded by the Headteacher or a member of the SLT. Usually, these will only be awarded in assembly for public recognition.

Within classrooms, each child's name is added to a 'House Point Tally Chart' and class teachers use this to track the House Points achieved by individual pupils.

When a child earns a particular number of House Points, they are awarded with a badge which they can proudly wear on their school uniform:

  • Bronze Badge = 50 HPs
  • Silver Badge = 100 HPs
  • Gold Badge = 150 HPs