School Uniform

To ensure all students look smart and best represent Gagle Brook Primary School, we have a number of expectations when it comes to school uniforms.

Uniform expectation: Logo on sweatshirt or cardigan and logo on book bag or backpack.

PE Kit

PE kits should be brought in a suitable named bag. Please label all clothing with your child’s name. 

Our new school uniform is ethically manufactured and made with Fairtrade Cotton by Koolskools.

Why Fairtrade Cotton School Uniform?

There is no difference in quality between Fairtrade cotton and normal cotton. Fairtrade cotton means that we can be sure that the farmers who grow the cotton receive a fair and sustainable payment for their crop. Their communities also receive a premium for projects such as building schools and hospitals and gaining access to clean water.

Being “Fairtrade cotton certified” means that all parts of the manufacturing process of the Fairtrade cotton garments have been inspected and audited. The factories are signed up to Fairtrade Minimum Standards, designed to ensure that practices such as child labour and enforced overtime or long working hours don’t exist.

Why Koolschools?

Based in Southampton, Koolskools has built an internationally renowned ethical clothing company over the past 8 years and are working with schools all over the UK.

Koolskools is the only school uniform provider in the UK offering a complete range of garments made with Fairtrade cotton. Our research has proved that they offer quality and value-for-money garments which are all double stitched, easy iron, and a durable 50% cotton/50% polyester mix.

Koolskools also works with schools all over the UK, offering presentations to children of all ages about ethical and fair trading. The idea is that, if the school embraces school uniform made with Fairtrade cotton, our children are given the opportunity to learn all about the ethical trading story behind it.

How to Order


Gagle Brook Primary School is delighted to be able to partner with ‘Koolskools’ as a supplier of Fairtrade school uniforms. If you would like to buy ethically manufactured Fairtrade school uniform, click on the button above and place your order.

Please note that there is a flat delivery charge of £3.50, whether you order just one or multiple garments. Orders will take a maximum of 10 working days (15 days during the busy June to September period) to turn around, from the date of order placement.

All other items can be purchased at your preferred retailer.

Second-hand Uniform

Purchasing second-hand school uniforms is budget-friendly and eco-conscious. Here are some suggestions:

  • School Office / PTA: Check with the school office to find out how to purchase pre-loved uniform.
  • Charity Shops: Visit local charity shops that may carry school uniforms.
  • Online Marketplaces: Use sites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and dedicated uniform exchange platforms.
  • Community Groups: Join local social media groups where parents sell or trade uniforms.

These suggestions can help save money and support sustainability.

Additional Notes

Jewellery should be kept to a minimum. It is fine to wear jewellery due to a religious belief. Children are permitted to wear a watch.

Earrings should be small stud earrings. Hoop earrings are not allowed as they are a risk during PE lessons and at playtime.

Hair accessories should be in the school colours.

Nail varnish and makeup are not permitted in school.

Sunhats should be worn outside during sunny day. We recommend a legionnaires cap, so their head and neck are protected.

If, for cultural reasons, parents wish their child to wear a particular type of clothing during the school day, this is absolutely fine. Examples include a turban, headscarf, or a PE kit that includes longer-length trousers.